Artists News Wedding decision from Demet Özdemir and Oğuzhan Koç couple! Fans will be delighted with this news!

Wedding decision from Demet Özdemir and Oğuzhan Koç couple! Fans will be delighted with this news!


Singer Oğuzhan Koç proposed to Demet Özdemir, with whom he had been in love for more than a year, on Valentine’s Day, February 14, last month. The popular actress Demet Özdemir also answered “Yes” to the offer made by Oğuzhan Koç accompanied by the song “Far from the World” by the Sakiler Group.

This surprise marriage proposal was talked about for days in the tabloid press. The couple wants to sign a wedding that will be talked about again in the summer. It was claimed that Oğuzhan Koç both looked at the seaside places in Istanbul and communicated with the beaches in Çeşme.

Oğuzhan Koç spoke with Demet Özdemir about the news of the shuttle between Istanbul and Çeşme for the wedding venue.

The famous singer said, “I have never done a sit-up in my life. We don’t have a plan yet. We will see and decide together. We want to find the most compatible date with his calendar and my calendar and have a wedding as soon as possible.”

The couple’s plans to get married as soon as possible made their fans very happy. In an interview she gave to a magazine recently, Demet Özdemir spoke as “Oğuzhan’s features that make my heart flutter are his calmness, understanding, being positive, and being very open to learning and teaching.”

“I think every cliché sounds very special and exciting to you when you’re in love. But the most important thing is who made these stereotypes!”

The beautiful actress, who made her statement, said, “The best tactic in love is to trust ourselves. Then everything will be as it should be. When I am heartbroken, I focus on my own goals and change my priorities for a short time. I remind myself that I am not alone and that this is not the only reason I was born.”