Artists News Akın Akınözü is on the world agenda with the BBC journalist!

Akın Akınözü is on the world agenda with the BBC journalist!


After his success in the series Hercai, Akın Akınözü returned to the sets with the series “Kaderimin Oyunu”, and he is on the agenda again with the drama series in which he plays the leading role. The series, starring Akın Akınözü, Öykü Karayel and Sarp Apak, is very popular in the world, although the ratings are low in Turkey.

The broadcaster of the series, Star TV, recently announced that the series Kaderimin Oyunu (meaning:  Game of My Destiny) has been sold to more than 10 countries. Especially Middle Eastern and Latin American countries take the lead.

British journalist Myra Ali, who is known for her interviews with Hollywood stars, also mobilized this interest and conducted an interview with Akın Akınözü for the BBC. A Pakistani-born British journalist living in London has made a name for herself through interviews with many Hollywood stars, including Jake Gyllenhaal, Tom Holland and Jamie Foxx.

Myra Ali, 33, who has a hereditary condition known as congenital Butterfly disease, shared videos on her social media after the interview. The British journalist, who admired Akın Akınözü, added the following note;

“I interviewed the most charismatic, sweetest man I’ve ever met! We got along very well on food. I can’t wait to go to Istanbul to have Turkish breakfast with him and when he comes to London he will eat my mother’s biriyani…”