Artists News Disney Plus is on the field! Hande Erçel, Pınar Deniz and Aras Bulut İynemli! This photo has a great story to tell!

Disney Plus is on the field! Hande Erçel, Pınar Deniz and Aras Bulut İynemli! This photo has a great story to tell!


Disney Plus brought together famous names in Turkey, the dinner was talked about a lot… Famous names from each other attended this dinner. Disney Plus officials signed contracts with actors one after another in 2022 and positioned some of them as brand ambassadors.

With the completion of this process, all brand ambassadors were brought together at a dinner. Hande Erçel, Pınar Deniz, Aras Bulut İynemli, Aslı Enver, Eda Ece, Burak Deniz, Cansu Dere, Demet Özdemir and Engin Akyürek stood out as the famous names who attended this dinner.

Famous names, who took photos in front of the Disney Plus logo, also shared on their social media accounts, giving the message that they will now be on this platform.

We know that Disney Plus has made agreements with many famous names for the production of both series and movies, some of their projects are known, and new project work is ongoing for some.

The photos reflected from the Disney Plus night actually scream a truth. Now Turkey has become a series of production centers. Because the story is beautiful, the environment is beautiful, the actors are very successful and works that find value around the world can be produced.

It is very difficult and expensive to create such an organization in Western countries, to bring celebrities together and to give the position of brand ambassador. But doing this in Turkey is a very economical step for Disney Plus…

While Turkey is being transformed into a serial production center step by step, the fact that the budgets are far below the shooting costs in Western countries is also the fact that Turkish serials fascinate the world.

As a result, the truth told by these photographs is as follows; Turkish TV series and actors will be more popular all over the world soon.

In addition to the competition between Disney Plus and Netflix in this production competition, the entry of HBO and Amazon Prime into the sector with new projects seems to increase the competition even more.

In the end, the winner lies in the fact that the Turkish TV series industry, its actors and the cultural structure of our country will be exported to all over the world.

Turkey is positioned as a rising star in serial production.