Series News It wasn’t like the Kalp Yarası series, Sevmek Zamanı couldn’t have the expected effect on ATV!

It wasn’t like the Kalp Yarası series, Sevmek Zamanı couldn’t have the expected effect on ATV!


The first episode of the TV series Sevmek Zamanı (Time to Love), starring Deniz Işın and İlhan Şen, was annoying due to the low ratings. ATV, which made a very effective debut with the drama and love series called Kalp Yarası (Heart Wound) in the summer last year, this time made another attempt with Sevmek Zamanı.

The series, which tells about the epic love of Firuze and Kağan characters, was talked about with its similarity to the Kalp Yarası series. The drama-filled love story of Ferit and Ayşe characters featured the Kalp Yarası series last season, and this series, which received very good ratings, was able to continue for 32 episodes.

On the other hand, Sevmek Zamanı did not have the expected effect in the first episode of the ratings. On the social media, we can say that the series got a strong interaction and the audience liked the story by looking at the positive comments.

The great success of the Kalp Yarasıseries pushed ATV to make drama series for the summer season this season as well. At this point,

Sevmek Zamanı is a production where the channel expects good results. However, the ratings in the first episode were below expectations.

It is good in terms of ranking that the series achieved fifth place in all people and fourth place in AB and ABC1 groups. But it did not go unnoticed that there was no other TV show in front of it and that the ratings were a little lower than the romantic comedies on other screens.