Artists News Demet Özdemir’s admiration shows itself very clearly on social media!

Demet Özdemir’s admiration shows itself very clearly on social media!


Demet Özdemir had grown her fan base when she played in the TV series No:309. However, it was the series Erkenci Kuş (Early Bird) that brought her real fame. The actress, who took the lead role with Can Yaman in the series where she had a big break, was very popular with the character of Sanem. With the broadcast of the series in different countries, the number of foreign fans of Özdemir grew exponentially.

Demet Özdemir has become a very popular name especially in Latin countries. Can Yaman’s admiration is already followed by the media with the enthusiastic welcome of the Italians as well as the Spaniards. The interest shown to both actors on social media is well known to almost everyone.

Demet Özdemir came to the screen with the series Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir (Your Home Your Destiny). After Erkenci Kuş, the actress wanted to take part in a series other than romantic comedy. She also made a strong impression with her acting in the drama series and gave a successful exam.

The series said goodbye to its 43rd episode in May 2021. Demet Özdemir has not been on the screen for a long time. Generally, actors who don’t have serials get less attention on social media. Although they are followed with interest by their fans, fans and followers, they are talked about more while they are on the screen, and they are more on the agenda in social media.

However, this is not true for some names such as Demet Özdemir. The actress has not been on the screen for a long time, but she is always on the agenda! Although she was not on the screen last season, her movie Love Tactics, which was released on Netflix in February, became the agenda in many countries, including Turkey, and the actress was talked about a lot.

It is known that the second film was shot in July. Özdemir did not play a role in a TV series during the September season. It is not known whether this season will accept another series and come to the television screen, but it did not fall off the agenda on social media in August!

In the research conducted by, it is seen that the actress remained on the agenda of social media with more than 100 thousand tweets in August.

But of course, these tweets also have an effect on the wedding held on the 28th of August. It is also followed that the actress came to the fore with her honeymoon photos after her marriage to Oğuzhan Koç, which was talked about for days.

Even if she is not on the screen, it is understood that the actress will continue to be on the agenda of social media with thousands of messages in September.