Series News Yargı, Tozluyaka, Yalı Çapkını, Duy Beni, Kızılcık Şerbeti… Here’s the series that marked the week, which one was it?

Yargı, Tozluyaka, Yalı Çapkını, Duy Beni, Kızılcık Şerbeti… Here’s the series that marked the week, which one was it?


On social media, the TV series that the audience likes and the posts they make by tagging the names of the actors serve to attract attention and raise awareness. It is also seen that the number of viewers of some series is increased in this way. However, good social media interaction alone is not enough for a continuation of a series!

For example, the youth series Duy Beni (Hear Me), which has been on Star TV since the beginning of summer, was the most striking production of the last period in terms of social media interaction. However, when it was understood that he could not increase his ratings and compete with rival series in the season, the finale was decided.

The highest social media ratings appear according to the series, incoming shares and the number of users. The scorecards of the series with the highest interaction are published by some measurement organizations.

Below is the latest weekly status given by Somera’s top 10 charts! Yalı Çapkını, the series that left its mark on the season with a big hit in the ratings, seems to have made a big difference to the other series with the number of messages, ratings and users on the list!

The results of the research conducted between October 31 and November 7 reveal the weekly social media rating.

The Yalı Çapkını series is in the first place in the list, while the Yargı (Judgment) series is in the third place.

Duy Beni series, which was decided to be final, is in the 4th place. Although the rating on the screen remained low, it was a series with high social media interaction.

Despite the first two episodes published in Yürek Çıkmazı (Heart Impass), it managed to enter this list!