Artists News Aytaç Şaşmaz has destroyed his fans with his sharing!

Aytaç Şaşmaz has destroyed his fans with his sharing!


Ay Yapım’s Darmaduman (Smashed) series aroused great curiosity in the audience before it even started, due to both its cast and the fact that it was adapted from the Beverly Hills 90210 series, which left its mark on the 90s.

However, the TV series, accompanied by the young actors Aytaç Şaşmaz, Mert Yazıcıoğlu, Aslıhan Malbora and Hafsanur Sancaktutan, accompanied by master actors Nur Fettahoğlu, Necip Memili, Meral Çetinkaya and Metin Coşkun, was met with an unexpected indifference!

The series, which was changed first when it did not receive the attention it expected, still did not reach the sufficient rating rate, and the final decision caused a great disappointment to the audience.

The last social media post of Aytaç Şaşmaz from the set of the Darmaduman series, which is preparing to make the final with its 9th episode, was also on the agenda.

Many comments were made under the post of Şaşmaz, who published his photo with his co-stars on his Instagram account with the note “Smashed”, about the end of the series.

Şaşmaz fans who watch the series are extremely upset that Darmaduman will make the final. Under the photos that received thousands of comments in a short time; Many comments were made, such as “Good dramas always make early finals”, “We’re in a mess right now” and “I interpreted it as a farewell post”.