Artists News Returning to the sets with the Yalnız Kurt TV series, Jessica May is having new experiences by acting in different languages!

Returning to the sets with the Yalnız Kurt TV series, Jessica May is having new experiences by acting in different languages!


Jessica May, who was born in Brazil but became a Turkish citizen last year and expressed her love for our country at every opportunity, said that her registered place of birth is from Çayeli. Jessica May, the female lead in the second season of the Yalnız Kurt (Lone Wolf) ATV series, has returned to the sets after a long break.

In December, the Yalnız Kurt series finished its life by making its finale. However, taking part in this action series was not only a new experience for the actress, but also gave her a chance to appear in front of her fans again.

Stating that he took part in the project for a digital platform in which she played in Italian, the actress said, “It is a 4-part mini-series. I played italian there. It was good, it was a new experience for me. I discover in which language I can play in every project”.

Talking about her mother tongue being Portuguese, Jessica May started to speak Turkish well. The actress also speaks English, Spanish and Italian.

Jessica May shared the following information about acting in different languages: “I can speak Spanish more easily. I memorized Italian and played it for the first time. I thought, ‘Will I be able to play in Italian, will I be able to convey that feeling? But died. Each project is a different experience and discovery. I am discovering myself.”

Jessica May also received an offer for a new project and said she is very excited to have the opportunity to act in a new language.

The actress, who did not give details about the project and the new language, conveyed the following information:

“Now a new language has arrived, a different project. I will try this language as well. A very different language, a story that excited me. I really want to play. I will also try this language.”