Series News Demet Özdemir’s claim was in vain, Nil Keser became the leading role in the series Ah Nerede!

Demet Özdemir’s claim was in vain, Nil Keser became the leading role in the series Ah Nerede!

Series Turkish

Tarık Akan and Gülşen Bubikoğlu, who started their film careers with the degrees they achieved in the cinema artist competition opened by Ses Mecmuası in 1975, are preparing to meet with the audience as a TV series after 47 years.

Intensive preparations were made for the serial version of the movie Ah Nerede is one of the most popular melodramas of Turkish cinema. The casting selections for the series, which was produced by the production company “10.Ev”, were completed, except for 1-2 roles, and after the reading rehearsals, the team went to the set.

It was also mentioned that Demet Özdemir was interviewed for the role of Gülşen Bubikoğlu, regarding the series where the preparations for the script were continuing. However, these claims were not confirmed afterwards. The role of Zehra in Gülşen Bubikoğlu was played by the beautiful and talented star Nil Keser.

Details began to come for the series in which many important names took part. It was learned that two master names participated in the series, where Bülent İşbilen sat in the director’s chair. Ayşe Kökçü and Tarık Pabuççuoğlu, these master names who will take part in the TV series Ah Nerede.

The series tells the story of impossible love. “Ah Nerede” will soon be on Star TV with its warm story that will warm your heart.