Artists News Elkızı’s Ezo Sevda Erginci explained the tricks of her profession with two photos!..

Elkızı’s Ezo Sevda Erginci explained the tricks of her profession with two photos!..

The Elkızı series, which met with the audience on Saturday evenings on Fox TV screens, managed to impress the audience with its story.

The series, in which Sevda Erginci and İsmail Ege Şaşmaz take the leading roles, is especially followed by female viewers. Accompanied by two famous actors, the master name Perihan Savaş, the series did not meet the expectations of the channel in the ratings, but a bone audience began to form.

Sevda Erginci draws the image of a strong woman with the character of “Ezo” in the series. These features of Ezo, who stand on their own feet, make their own decisions and know how to deal with all difficulties, increased the importance that female viewers attach to the series.

Sevda Erginci, who shared two separate photos from her Instagram account before and after the shooting, in the same frame, wrote, “Exactly such a profession”, and in a sense shared the twists of acting with her followers.

Sevda Erginci, who has been acting since 2012, said in a recent statement, “With 11 years of experience, I am calmer and more comfortable now. I also feel at home from the habit of being on the set. But I’m still at the beginning of the road. There is still a lot to learn,” she said.

Stating that acting is a part of her life, Sevda Erginci stated that she does not have a plan for how long it will last.

Stating that she has many dreams, the actress said, “Of course I have a lot of dreams, but I can’t specify anything specific. I don’t have any plans that I set or target for my career. I don’t even have a plan for how long I’m going to keep acting,” she said.