After the big claim for the Ya Çok Seversen (If You Love) series, starring Kerem Bürsin and Hafsanur Sancaktutan, the ratings obtained in both episodes drew an incongruous image.
It must be because of the high expectations created for the series, the ratings that took place at the rate of 2 were a surprising and unexpected shock.
Although Kerem Bürsin’s fans wanted to see the actor in a romantic comedy story for a long time and this received a great response on social media, it is understood that there was not a great excitement in the domestic audience for the Ya Çok Seversen series.
When you look at social media, it is possible to see this excitement. Although the ratings show the problems, the power of social media raises hopes that the Ya Çok Seversen project will be able to salvage the situation in the coming weeks.
Kerem Bürsin’s fans from all over the world have shared and continue to do thousands of posts for those who follow the series, like it very much, and love the story.
Especially if you look at the comments left on the posts about the series on youtube, you can see how much the fans of the foreign series embrace the Ya Çok Seversen project.
Except for Kerem Bürsin’s fans, you can see that the same excitement is not present in the local TV series and the story of the series has failed to impress a large audience.
Some viewers are; Hafsanur Sancaktutan and Kerem Bürsin are expressing their comments on social media stating that they do not find a good compatibility with a female character based on lies and theft on the screen, attractive.
It seems that there will be a critical period for the Ya Çok Seversen series as well. Although Kanal D continues the series in the summer period by looking at the ratings, it may not want to move it to the winter season. However, it will not be easy for Kerem Bürsin fans to accept this.
The formula for salvation for Ya Çok Seversen may be to reveal the dynamism of the story that will increase her ratings. If the story becomes more animated and attracts the attention of the audience, the ratings can increase and this can have an effect that will change the whole situation.