Artists News Hande Erçel was the most talked about woman on social media in 2021, and Kerem Bürsin was the man!

Hande Erçel was the most talked about woman on social media in 2021, and Kerem Bürsin was the man!

2021 was literally the year for Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin. Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin, who stormed not only in Turkey but also all over the world with the return of the TV series “Sen Çal Kapımı”, were the most talked about names on social media last year.

The results of Adba’s Most Popular Female and Most Popular Actor of the Year study of the research company Adba, which provides data by measuring the shares on social media, have been announced.

According to Adba’s research, Hande Erçel was the most talked-about female actress in the social scene of 2021. The series “Sen Çal Kapımı” has made its debut in the beautiful actress life, which was broadcast in 85 countries all over the world. The number of social media posts about Hande Erçel in 2021 was 3.2 million.

Su Burcu Yazgı Coşkun was the second in the ranking of female actors. Throughout the year, 1.04 million shares were shared on social media about the young actress, who had a big break with the character of Asiye in the TV series Kardeşlerm.

Ayça Ayşin Turan was the third on the list. The number of shares made about Turan, who gained a large fan base with Ada Masalı series, was 1.01 million. The names that followed the list were as follows: Demet Özdemir, Ebru Şahin, Tuba Büyüküstün, Sıla Türkoğlu, Cemre Baysel, Damla Sönmez and Burcu Özberk.

Kerem Bürsin, the star of the TV series Sen Çal Kapımı, is the winner of the Most Popular Actor of the Year list. 3.7 million shares were shared about the handsome actor in 2021. Kerem Bürsin has passed his lover and co-star Hande Erçel.

It is remarkable that Kerem Bürsin surpasses Can Yaman. While Can Yaman, who took the world by storm, took the second place in the list, the number of shares made about him was 2.1 million. Engin Akyürek ranked third on the list with 1.3 million shares. The continuation of the Most Popular Actor of the Year list consisted of Onur Seyit Yaran, Alp Navruz, Akın Akınözü, İbrahim Çelikkol, Halil İbrahim Ceylan, Aytaç Şaşmaz and Burak Deniz.