Series News He guest-starred on Evlilik Hakkında Her Şey, now everyone’s talking about him!

He guest-starred on Evlilik Hakkında Her Şey, now everyone’s talking about him!

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Famous actor Engin Hepileri gave life to the character of Faruk in the TV series “Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir” last season. In the new season, the actress participated in the TV series Evlilik Hakkında Her Şey as a guest actress.

Engin Hepileri, who jumped the nerves with his Koray character in the TV series broadcast on Fox TV on Tuesday evenings, became one of the most talked about names on social media.

The actor, who reflects the aggressiveness of the Koray character very well, may be in the story as a guest, but he does a successful job and can be on the agenda in social media with his character.

The actor made a great contribution to the series with his great performance in the sociopath Koray character, who is a completely opposite character and respected in the society.

The 6-episode guest act of the actor also came to an end. Engin Hepileri bid farewell to the series with the following words: “My duty is to portray such a character in the best possible way. Because although these men are concealed, the truth is among us and they are quite numerous. Maybe we will realize the seriousness of the situation and shout together.”

Engin Hepileri raised awareness about violence against women both with his performance in the series and with this message.