Artists News I had a bad habit, but I quit! Here is the surprising confession from Rabia Soytürk!

I had a bad habit, but I quit! Here is the surprising confession from Rabia Soytürk!

Series Turkish

Veda Mektubu (Farewell Letter) series meets the audience on Kanal D on Monday evenings. One of the most striking aspects of the project, which impressed the audience with its story, although the ratings were not very good, was the harmony of Emre Kıvılcım and Rabia Soytürk, who met in the lead role.

While the harmonious state of the two young actors on the set was reflected in the scenes on the screen, the answers they gave to the questions from the followers on Onedio’s youtube channel were also remarkable. The duo, whose energies you can understand with each other, with their images in this program, had a fun time together.

The high energy and sympathy of Rabia Soytürk and Emre Kıvılcım also impresses many of their fans. Rabia Soytürk, who managed to impress millions with the character of Defne in the TV series Benim Adım Melek (My Name is Melek), also showed remarkable breakthroughs in the next period. The actress now has a large fan base and has become more experienced in her profession.

On Onedio’s show, a viewer asked, “Are you that person who is late everywhere?” Responding to the question, Rabia Soytürk admitted that she had such a bad habit for a while.

The famous actress said, “I was doing it, I had such a habit. I won’t lie. I used to have a bad habit, but I gave up that habit, I don’t do it anymore,” she said.

Emre Kıvılcım underlined that he is someone who always goes to his appointments on time. Kıvılcım complained that although his partner came to the program earlier than him, the preparation process was prolonged and they had to wait.

Emre Kıvılcım stated that they made an effort not to make each other laugh during the filming of the series, and said, “Because we know that if we start laughing, we can’t stop. I can’t stop,” he said.

Rabia Soytürk also said that they laughed a lot at external factors, not at each other’s situation during the shooting.