Artists News İrem Helvacıoğlu, who shines with Yürek Çıkmaazı, is experiencing the trouble of big speech!

İrem Helvacıoğlu, who shines with Yürek Çıkmaazı, is experiencing the trouble of big speech!

Series Turkish

The famous actress İrem Helvacıoğlu, who had a successful season with the character of Zeynep in the TV series Yürek Çıkmazı (Heart Impasse), is experiencing a period when she is at the top of her career.

Having a successful period with the 28-episode series, which will make its finale on June 14th, the game effectively portrayed the character of Zeynep in a strong story. İrem Helvacıoğlu, who also achieved a good partnership harmony with Alp Navruz, reminded that the project is a production full of pain and sadness.

The actress said, “Our drama was painful and sad. But we did not experience pain and sadness on the set. We had a very fun set, I enjoyed it very much. That’s why it’s hard to leave,” she said.

Mentioning that she has a vacation plan with her girlfriends, the actress also said that she does not have someone in her life. Explaining that balance is important in relationships, İrem Helvacıoğlu said that this balance factor lies behind women’s escapism from men with feminine energy.

The actress said, “I prefer it to be balanced. I also think it is wrong to attribute everything to men or women. If it goes well, it’s a love-filled relationship,” she said.

İrem Helvacıoğlu, who stated that the people with whom she had relationships were not from the acting profession, is also remembered for saying that she no longer finds it wrong to have love with her partner on the set.

The actress said, “This is a bit difficult in order to understand our industry and solve the work we do. That’s the real problem,” she said. With these words, the actress admitted that she had problems in love with someone outside her profession, and now she took an important decision in love.

Explaining that she was closed to having a love affair with her colleague in the past, the actress said, “It is necessary not to talk big,” and said that she no longer stands against this idea, and that she leaves herself to the flow of life.