Series News İsmailDemirci will not play in the next period

İsmailDemirci will not play in the next period


İsmailDemirci, who played Şehzade Orhan in Mehmed The Conqueror’s series, will finalize this week in Channel D, putting his attitude on the series!

The film “Oximoron”, starring EmreKarayel, directed by ErdalBeşikçioğlu, met with the audience for the first time the evening before. Many famous names also participated in the premiere of the game at TIM Show Center.

İsmailDemirci, who plays the character of Şehzade Orhan in the Mehmed The Conqueror series, will make his final tomorrow night, followed by his wife HandeSoral.

IsmailDemirci, “I have no regrets. I worked with very good players. But I’m not in the next period. I also played in the Magnificent Century. It is nice to revive our ancestors, but I now want to take a series of leather jackets. ”