Artists News Kubilay Aka’s failure to curb the rise

Kubilay Aka’s failure to curb the rise

Series Turkish

Turkish fans react to Kubilay Aka, foreigners are very interested! Kubilay Aka, who started his acting career with Ali Kemal character in the Wounded Love series, was spoken to the magazine agenda with his love with Miray Daner.

Both famous actors met in the series Wounded Love . They started to live their love on the TV set, but after they left the show, they announced that they were lovers. The couple had a separation in August 2019. The reason for this separation was the appearance of intimate photographs of Kubilay Aka with Hilal Altınbilek.

Kubilay Aka was also exposed by a young woman on social media. Aka’s sexual postings shook the image of the actor even more … From 2016 to 2020, both Kubilay Aka, who experienced a great breakthrough, and also drew a graphic with a bumpy image.

In the comments made on social media about Kubilay Aka, the negative views of Turkish followers in general stand out. The actor, who was known by the masses as Celasun in the Pit series, also drew attention with the character of Kerem in the series of Love 101.

Kubilay Aka, who draws an extremely successful and effective performance in his business life, has disturbed Turkish followers who have been in the private months of his life.

But the situation is different when it comes to foreign fans. Kubilay Aka started to be recognized very quickly in different countries of the world, and the series of my Wounded Love and The Pit played an important role in this. The fact that Love 101 is also published in 190 countries was an important opportunity for Kubilay Aka.

The interest shown by foreign fans to Kubilay Aka on social media is increasing day by day. The actor’s Instagram account has also exceeded the limit of 1 million, approaching 1.2 million. An important reason for this increase is that those who follow from abroad are increasing rapidly.

It is seen that what happened with Kubilay Aka’s private life curbed the actor’s rapid exit and his success in business life was negatively affected by his mistakes in his private life.