Series News Latest status on harassment scandal in ‘Forbidden Apple’

Latest status on harassment scandal in ‘Forbidden Apple’


The harassment scandal in the ‘Forbidden Apple’ series won a new dimension.

The costume assistant ÖzgeŞimşek, who claimed to be a victim of harassment, also supported the actors in the series.

Actors; ŞevvalSam, GünAkıncı, EdaEce, SevdaErginci and OnurTuna supported the young assistant …

With this development, it is not possible for TalatBulut to take part in the series anymore …

9-year-old costume assistant ÖzgeŞimşek wanted to fix TalatBulut’s tie while the final scene was taken on May 31st.

62-year-old player TalatBulut called the young girl on the floor and said, “Correct it in there.”

The assistant from the room told about the harassment on the set. Lightning said that TalatBulut will sue, “the manager wanted to compromise, I did not accept. Because this event is a lot of ages. Most are afraid and silent, ” she said.

Producer of the series FatihAksoy also found that “I will abstain from contracting with TalatBulut”

Latest status on harassment scandal in 'Forbidden Apple' 7