Series News Masumlar Apartmanı is the new favorite Turkish TV series in the foreign market

Masumlar Apartmanı is the new favorite Turkish TV series in the foreign market

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Masumlar Apartmanı, one of the popular TV series on TRT1 screens, was one of the most successful productions of the winter season we left behind.

Starring Ezgi Mola, Merve Dizdar, Birkan Sokullu and Farah Zeynep Abdullah, the series successfully completed its first term by making the season finale.

With the death of the character İnci, played by Farah Zeynep Abdullah, the fans of the series were shocked in the season finale. This happened when the actresd wanted to leave the story because she was very affected by the psychological scenes. Masumlar Apartments is getting ready to make a comeback in the second season as well.

Also, the news about the sales abroad made people smile. Ezgi Mola’s social media posts about the series being broadcast in Spain attracted great attention.

The most concrete information emerged that Masumlar Apartmanı is the new favorite Turkish TV series in the foreign market. The series will be broadcast in the Balkan countries and a collective agreement has been made.

Sina Koloğlu, one of the writers of Milliyet Cadde, announced this situation with the title of “Masumlar Apartmanı Balkan Decal”.

It is among the latest news that the series has been sold to the Balkan countries under the package. It is stated that the series will meet with the audience in Albania, Croatia, Kosovo, Romania, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina and North Macedonia.