Artists News Sad moments at Masumlar Apartmanı! This is how the actors said goodbye to the outgoing name on social media…

Sad moments at Masumlar Apartmanı! This is how the actors said goodbye to the outgoing name on social media…

Masumlar Apartmanı series, broadcast on TRT1 screens on Tuesday evenings, has lost the first place to the epic series in the new season. It seems that the series, which attracted more attention in the last season, could not keep the same interest in the new season, but it is still one of the popular productions of the screen.

The story of the series signed by OGM Pictures, Dr. It is adapted from Gülseren Budaıcıoğlu’s novel written by quoting from real life. Ezgi Mola, Merve Dizdar and Birkan Sokullu played the leading roles in the series, and Aslıhan Gürbüz also participated in this season.

In fact, after Farah Zeynep Abdullah, who played the character of İnci at the end of last season, wanted to leave the series of her own accord, the story was shifted to another direction. It was also stated by the screenwriters that İnci would greatly contribute to the recovery of her family members’ traumatic illnesses. The sudden death of pregnant İnci by accident was a development that upset the audience at the end of the season.

In the new season, Melisa Şenolsun with the character of Rüya was included in the story. It was thought that there would be a romance between Ruya and Han, who was obsessively in love with Han, but the story did not go as planned at all! The audience had a hard time accepting the character of Rüya after İnci.

It seems that the screenwriters, after the criticism of the viewers on social media, broke the route this time to Ceylan, her ex-boyfriend, who is constantly mentioned in the series and has a big trace in Han’s life! When Aslıhan Gürbüz entered the series with the Ceylan character, the character of Rüya fell into a situation that does not make much sense with her existence!

The character, who gradually fell into the background, was bid farewell with the last episode published this week. Ruya, who stayed with her cousin Esra and worked in Naci’s shop, decided to go to her father and said goodbye to everyone.

After this sad farewell, the actors of the series showed a loyal attitude by publishing farewell messages on their social media pages for Melisa Şenolsun’s departure. Among these names were Ezgi Mola, Aslıhan Gürbüz and Merve Dizdar…

Here are those messages…