Series News Shooting of the series Ruthless City begins

Shooting of the series Ruthless City begins


Ruthless City series, which is broadcast on Kanal D screens, has not been filmed for a while due to coronavirus outbreak.

The producer company of the series, Avşar Film, wants to finish the Ruthless City in 40 episodes considering the overseas sales. Since 36 episodes have been published so far, 4 episodes must be withdrawn.

In addition to master names such as Fikret Kuşkan, Mine Tugay and Deniz Uğur; Young names such as Bahar Şahir, Berker Güven, Ozan Dolunay, Sera Kutlubey are on the staff of the series.

According to the information given by Birsen Altuntaş from TV100, producer Şükrü Avşar plans to start the re-shooting of the series after the Ramazan feast.

This means that the Ruthless City players will gather and start shooting at the end of May or early June.