Artists News The new TV series project that Ezgi Mola is waiting for with great excitement!

The new TV series project that Ezgi Mola is waiting for with great excitement!

Famous actress Ezgi Mola appeared on the television screen in the Masumlar Apartmanı (Innocent Apartment), which lasted for the last 2 seasons.

The actress, who received the applause of millions with her character Safiye, gave a very successful drama and psychological exam. The profound effect of Safiye’s character on the audience was the result of the actress reflecting her role very well.

The famous actress, who is currently working for the Alice Musical, announced that the show will continue until June, but that it will no longer be staged after that.

Ezgi Mola explained that there are only 10 plays left in the Alice Musical and that those who want to watch on stage will have their last chance, and that they extended the project for a while due to the intense demand of the audience. The actress also emphasized that the show will continue to be broadcast on Disney Plus.

While Ezgi Mola celebrated her 40th birthday recently, she also talked about her great excitement.

Ezgi Mola, who explained that the work on the series named Ayten, who changed the world, prepared for Disney Plus, has come to an end, expressed that she was very excited about the project with the following words:

“I am doing a business on the digital platform. Two days later, the shooting is completely over. After that, I will eagerly await its release.”

The actress plays the character of the doorman Ayten, who has two children in the story.

Ayten, who needs money for her daughter who will remain disabled for the rest of her life, will accept the offer and cause an event that shakes the world.

The series project is also eagerly awaited by the fans of the famous actor.