Series News The Yürek Çıkmazı series started very well, but the point it came to was a great misfortune!

The Yürek Çıkmazı series started very well, but the point it came to was a great misfortune!

Series Turkish

While İrem Helvacıoğlu and Alp Navruz fans think that the Yürek Çıkmazı (Heart Impasse) series, which is broadcast on TRT1 on Tuesday evenings, is a project that can mark the season in every way, the result can be described as a state of complete surprise.

Despite the strong harmony between İrem Helvacıoğlu and Alp Navruz, the audience’s appreciation of their synergy, and the story’s success, the series “Yürek Çıkmazı” was full of question marks in terms of ratings and agenda setting.

A series of Yürek Çıkmazı, which received very good ratings when it first started, had a say in the Tuesday competition, impressed millions with its story, but then suffered a serious loss of interest.

Especially in the Tuesday competition, after the spectacular release of the Aile (Family) series, the loss of viewers was seen in other productions. One of the most affected productions from this situation is Yürek Çıkmazı.

In fact, when the ratings of the series have decreased considerably in recent months, many viewers express on social media that it does not deserve this situation. There are quite experienced names in the solid story of the series.

In addition to two master actors such as Ayça Bingöl and Mesut Akusta; When we look at names such as Bihter Dinçel, Dilara Aksüyek, Cemal Toktaş, Ertuğrul Postoğlu, Alp Akar and Mehmet Aslantuğ, who were in the staff for a while, it is obvious that the staff is also very well established.

While the series “Yürek Çıkmazı” was circulating in 6 ratings for a period, it was not fair to say that it fell below the average in recent months, even below the triple ratios.

Alp Navruz fans were hoping that it would continue in the second season, but with the low ratings that emerged, this possibility was greatly reduced. 25 episodes of the series have been screened so far.

The 26th episode will be published on May 30, and according to some claims in the press, it will make the final with the 28th episode. If these claims are true, there is a situation that the series of Yürek Çıkmazı will make its final on June 14.

Although it is a series that is talked about a lot in the social media environment, this point reached in the ratings should also be questioned. In particular, Alp Navruz fans, who have achieved significant success in all of the projects they have participated in, have created an environment where they try to understand how a business that started so well has been dragged to this point.

Let’s see what kind of decision will be made about the Yürek Çıkmazı series. However, the fact that new offers are coming to the actors also strengthens the final claims.