Artists News Tuba Büyüküstün, who played in The Ambassador’s Daughter, loved being Mavi!

Tuba Büyüküstün, who played in The Ambassador’s Daughter, loved being Mavi!

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Tuba Büyüküstün was hastily included in the series The Ambassador’s Daughter a few episodes ago. It is understood from this decision that the actress’ plans are not a series in the new season. There is a meeting on the screen that neither Tuba Büyüküstün nor the audience expected. We started watching Büyüküstün in Star TV’s series for two weeks.

After the news that Neslihan Atagül had a condition called leaky bowel syndrome for a while and received a report, the actor’s doctors’ advice, she agreed with the producer and left the series surprised everyone.

It was a great surprise for everyone that Tuba Büyüküstün, who will share the lead role with Engin Akyürek instead of Atagül. It was thought that he would play Nare in the series, but Nare was sent from the series due to the story and she was replaced by Mavi!

The duo, who previously played together with Akyürek in the TV series Black Money Love and whose screen harmony was very popular, started a new story with the coincidental meeting of Sancar and Mavi.

It seems that the two wounded hearts will take refuge in each other. In the meantime, it is seen from the posts that Tuba Büyüküstün, who settled in Bodrum with a sudden decision for the series from Istanbul, had a great pleasure.

The actress posts with the ‘Mavi’ tag since her name in the drama was announced. It is understood from her frequent posts that she loves both her character and her name. The pictures of the actress, who adopts being Mavi, along with the shots from the set of the series, also show that she is quickly mingled with the team.

It was seen in their first scenes that Engin Akyürek and the duo, who were old friends, were very comfortable in front of the camera. Büyüküstün often shares with Akyürek, with whom he played again.

In his comment on the photo above, Büyüküstün refers to her partner Engin Akyürek with the words “Yes, sometimes it is on your shoulder” …


She mostly tagges Akyürek with her posts. By the way, she will love the blue-colored photographs created for Mavi, which he shares frequently …


If there was a rapid transition for the audience and some of the viewers would say “How did Sancar forget about Nare and the epic?” There is nothing to do even though he criticizes Even if it is called the Ambassador’s Daughter, the audience is already getting used to the story of Mavi and Sancar that slowly goes to love!


It is also reflected in the photographs that the joys are on the set. It seems that Tuba Büyüküstün quickly adapted to the character, attitude and clothing of Mavi in ​​the series, which he later joined, and he feels Mavi in ​​it …

In the last episode, it started to emerge that Mavi, who said that her daughter was dead, had deep pains in her life! The story of Mavi’s character will become clearer as the series progresses… We will watch and see…