Artists News We have bad news for the fans waiting for Burçin Terzioğlu!

We have bad news for the fans waiting for Burçin Terzioğlu!

Series Turkish

Famous actress Burçin Terzioğlu has not been as lucky as she used to be in television series in recent years. Burçin Terzioğlu, who appeared in various TV series in the 1990s and whose acting career goes back a long way, has been involved in important projects one after another.

We watched Burçin Terzioğlu in a project that marked the 2000s, such as Ezel, as well as the old TV series that are in the memory of many people such as Çiçek Taksi, Kınalı Kar, and Fırtına. In her projects, she could not find what she expected.

Although Burçin Terizoğlu returned to the screen after 3 years with the TV series Kurşun, we witnessed her great disappointment in 2019. Continuing on her way for a while with the digital TV series The Protector and Hükümsüz (Vulnerable), the actress returned to television with Yalancı (Liar) at the beginning of this season, after a 3-year hiatus.

It was a great misfortune for the actr that the series Yalancı, in which he played with Salih Bademci, lasted only 9 episodes. Burçin Terzioğlu, who preferred to wait and spare some time for herself after this project, was among the guests at Demet Evgar’s wedding most recently.

Her fans may be waiting for new projects from the famous actress for the new season, but there is nothing yet.

Burçin Terzioğlu said, “There is nothing certain yet. I already tell when it happens,” she said. These words of the actress mean that she will not be involved in a new project soon.