Artists News When Kaan Urgancıoğlu found his wallet in a place he never expected, he was surprised what to do with the reward he promised!

When Kaan Urgancıoğlu found his wallet in a place he never expected, he was surprised what to do with the reward he promised!

Series Turkish

Kaan Urgancıoğlu, who came to the screen as Ilgaz Prosecutor in Kanal D’s TV series, Yargı (Judgement), which left its mark on Sunday evenings, attracted attention with a disappearance announcement he made on social media last week! The actor sought help from his followers by stating that he had lost his wallet.

Kaan Urgancıoğlu said that he lost his wallet on his twitter account at noon on 12 December, “I lost my wallet, has anyone found it?” he had asked. While some fans made humorous references on this sharing of the actor, there was no information from anyone that he was found.

The actor, who did not receive any news from his wallet, promised a reward to the finder this time on his twitter account a few hours after this message. Kaan Urgancıoğlu published a message saying, “I’m going to prepare a wonderful spaghetti recipe for my aunt with my hands.”

Fans of the actor even made jokes about the situation, referring to the fact that Ilgaz and Ceylin did not go to Cappadocia and get on the balloon, “You couldn’t get on the balloon because you lost your wallet?”

Kaan Urgancıoğlu found his wallet a few days later! But in an unexpected place! The actor announced the situation to his followers with a tweet again! Urgancıoğlu’s wallet, which he thought he had lost on the street, came out of his house!

The actor reported, “I found my wallet, it left the house,” but he also said that he was confused about the pasta he promised! Urgancıoğlu wrote, “Even though I found it, I was confused about spaghetti because I was angry with myself about losing it.”