Actors - Actresses Who is Cansel Elçin? Height – Age – Series – Family

Who is Cansel Elçin? Height – Age – Series – Family

Cansel Elçin was born on September 20, 1973 in İzmir Tire. Turkish TV series, cinema and theater actor.

Name: Cansel Elçin
Date of Birth: September 20, 1973
Place of Birth: İzmir / Tire
Height: 1.83 m.
Weight: 74 kg
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Eye color brown
Mother: Şennur Elçin
Father: Nevzat Elçin
Spouse: Zeynep Tuğçe Bayat
Siblings: Dinsel Elçin
Pets: He has a cat and a dog.

Family: He was born in Izmir Tire. He has a brother. 9-year-old father’s job so he moved to France with his family, made the 33-year-old Turkey to return. He married actress Zeynep Tuğçe Bayat like himself in 2020. The couple has no children yet. “My mother’s family had farms and my mother used to break tobacco. My father was a very talented tailor. Give me a suit and he would sew it from head to toe. He was especially good with the collar of the jackets. My father loved fashion. He was the person who went to France in the early 1960s even first bra from Paris Turkey. He chose to go to France because of his passion for fashion. They saw my father’s talent there in a short time, and in 1970 he entered Pierre Cardin and started working. After returning to Turkey, in 1979, when economic difficulties in Turkey, this time I moved to France at the age of nine family. ”

Childhood years: He had difficulties in France at first, as he did not speak French. “I didn’t have French, I had to start the first grade of primary school again. Suddenly I entered a different world and system. I haven’t seen Istanbul or Izmir yet. It was the first time I saw a supermarket, train, subway in France. Then I lived there until the age of 33. The education system is very important. The education there was very good, I was lucky in that. I was given a tennis racket, although I did not know it, I learned. I was sent to ski in the Alps. Turkish or French, everyone was equal. He always had books in his hands during the day. In the evenings we were going to the cinema or theater. It was important not to make a lot of money there, but to be cultured. ”

Education life: After completing his primary and secondary education at Lycée Racine in Paris, he studied economics and social sciences to continue his family business. Although he was engaged in trade for a while, he started his theater with evening courses and continued by writing to Ecole Florent, one of the leading theater schools in France. Gérard Depardieu, Sophie Marceau, Isabelle Adjani studied in the same class as Audrey Tautou at the Ecole Florent, where she taught.Later, John Strasberg and Jack Garfeinden, son of Lee Strasberg, who came from New York and founded Actor’s Studio, gave cinema and theater classes. took. After completing the school with a degree, he stepped into professional theater life by performing in many performances in various regions of France. In addition to the theater, he also appeared in various commercials and movies.

How fun adventure began in Turkey? He met Ferzan Özpetek, who came to watch him in a performance. He also gained experience in casting and shooting behind the camera with Özpetek’s film “Haremsuare”. At the same time sharing this, he was leading Turkey has created the opportunity to meet with tomris giritlioğlu of female directors. tomris Giritlioglu with the proposal, Kırık Kanatlar (Broken Wings) came to Turkey for a series called, so I have started to pursue her artistic life in Turkey. “In my youthful days in France; I had active periods between the ages of 17-25. It was a bit related to where I grew up. I grew up in a suburb of Paris. It was a place where foreigners, refugees and Turks lived intensely. But I quickly pulled myself out of there and threw the cap to Paris. I turned my way to the theater and got together. He had no intention of coming to Turkey once. Tomris Giritlioğlu called me, I came and played a role in “Broken Wings”. “Past Times” came out while I was thinking that I would stay for only two months. When that series was successful, I continued acting here. Still, I had no intention of living in Turkey or to get married here. I am not someone who makes plans and follows them. One cannot or should not calculate emotions. ”

What was the bravest decision of your life? He states that after the first step in the theater, returning to that stage the next day was the bravest decision of his life. “Because when you take the stage for the first time, you face all your flaws. You will either escape or decide to fix your weak spots. After making that decision, the desire to act begins. ”

The first step to acting: the adventure on television in Turkey, Kırık Kanatlar series in which he played ‘began with Cemal’ character.

With which project did he shine? He drew attention with the character “Ahmet”, which he portrayed in the “Past Times” series.

Personality traits: Determined, hardworking, obsessive, romantic. “I have obsessions. Like the sickness of symmetry. If I see anything crooked, I’ll fix it right away. I am also obsessive. This situation sometimes bothers people at work and in my private life. Sometimes I cannot sleep at night thinking, “I said something to someone, was it broken?” Whereas most people never get what I am saying. I have to get rid of this habit. Also, I used to get angry very quickly. ”

Personal development: He constantly strives to improve himself. Until today, he has been behind the scenes in addition to theater, music videos, commercials, short films, series and cinema. Since he was a guide in France for a while, he knows and is interested in art movements. He makes a lot of effort to improve himself. He is also very happy where he is today.

Mindset: He is happy to be in Turkey. He believes that instead of making long-term plans, we should live in the moment. He feels lucky to be acting. “Turkey is playing in just one set of people say it is too magnification, celebrity, fame, making it bothers me. I come from a country where everyone is equal. They don’t look at where you come from, how much money you’ve made. When they get together with people and try to fly a kite, they don’t ask about their race, their name, how much they earned. Everyone is busy flying a kite at that moment. In this atmosphere, you can say “I flew the kite farther”, you can be happy with it, but your happiness remains within this framework. ”

First motion picture: Yağmur- Durul Taylan / Küçük Kıyamet

Her look at love: “I don’t like quarrels and noise in love, in relationships, I don’t enjoy tension. Some people also like to fight in their partnerships, but I find it very childish. You will know how to apologize when the relationship is wrong. I also apologize when necessary. Sometimes everything is so simple. We all have problems or complexes. When we understand this, everything becomes easier. I believe that people fall in love and love as they get to know the other person. My wife and I became friends first, then support and help each other. We realized we were in the same mind. Love came with them. ”

His view of life: He does not try to be perfect or even finds people trying to be perfect very boring. “I can’t stand that kind of people for five minutes, I wouldn’t even have a coffee with them. We have to make fun of our own flaws. In fact, everyone around us sees everything in us, for example they understand when we lie, so there is no need to lie, lie is a lie. If you say its pink, it will continue. Fame also comes and I’m trying not to take it too seriously. I just take my job seriously. If I don’t appear on TV, after a month or two, people won’t know me. The audience loves the character we portray more than we do. ”

His view of business life: He worked hard, studied a lot, experienced traumas when he started acting, but he did not give up because he loves his profession. “For example, one day I was both acting and waitress in France. A very important producer came. I gave my photo and resume. I told the man myself, he took it. Then he got into his car and threw it through the window. Taking pictures was expensive. I had to work for hours for that shot. I ran, picked it up so that another car wouldn’t crush it. For the first time there I thought, ‘Should I quit this profession? That’s why it is very valuable for me to take part in a project and to play a good role. I am a versatile player, my field of play is wide, which is like a challenge for me, very enjoyable. I was on the set on the first day of my theater play and said, “Please don’t put me a job on the premiere day.” Of course, work was put on that day and I left the set on the Anatolian side at 19.00 and caught Bebek by sea taxi and to the premiere by car, I took the stage. By myself ‘I play in theater and TV series. There is a movie in between. With the money I earn, I can shoot a movie that can explain my problem. Actually, I am one of the luckiest actors in the world, “I said.”

Career plan: He tries to do his job and not think too much about expectations. His goal is not to repeat himself too much as an actor, so he avoids similar roles.

Future Dream: He loves acting. He also wants to be on stage at the age of 90. “I breathe and exist on the stage. When I salute after playing Frankenstein in the theater and hold Yılmaz Gruda’s hand, I think, “I want to go on stage at the age of 90 like him.”

The criterion for attractiveness in women: “I can never be with a woman wearing fur. Especially if he takes a photo and shares social. Because I think the woman wearing the fur is no different from the fool who lives happily in nature and kills and skins the endangered animal! ”


2020 – My Left Side

2018 – Foster Mother / Adnan Alan

2017 – Forever Bound / Fuat

2015 – Torn Apart / Yusuf Bozyel

2015- Our Story / İsmail

2012 – Fallen Angel / Kenan Yılmazer

2011 – Shadows Of The Past / Selim-Aziz

2010 / 2011- Becoming a Lady / Murat

2008 – Cennetin Çocukları (Children of Heaven) / Ömer

2006/2008 – Past Times / Ahmet

2006- Kırık Kanatlar (Broken Wings) / Cemal


2015 – Evlenmeden Olmaz/ Yavuz

2015- Darbe/ Hakan Fidan

2015 – Bizim Hikaye

2014 – Roya/ Aref (Short Film)

2011 – Aşk Tesadüfleri Sever

2010 – Ada: Zombilerin Düğünü

2009- Suluboya/ Marco

2009 – Kampüste Çıplak Ayaklar/ Joseph Hoca

2008 – 120/ Süleyman

2006 – Küçük Kıyamet / Zeki

2006 – L’equilibre De La Terreur / Tarek

2005 – Navarro/ Le Chirurgien (TV Film)

2005 – Tu Vas Rire Mais Je Te Quitte

2002 – A Plus Pollux

2002- Le Grand Avoir (Short Film)

2002 – La Crim / Vincent Hartmann (TV Film)

2001 – L’art (Delicat) De La Seduction / Designer

2000- Le Cœur A L’ouvrage / Actor Hamlet

2000- Route De Nuit (TV Film)

1999 – Harem Suare / Journalist

1997 – Irma Vep


2016- Melekleri Taşıyan Adam

2009 – Kampüste Çıplak Ayaklar

2007 – Papillon – Kelebek (Short Film)


2019- Çıplak Vatandaşlar / Gaz

2018- Closer / Player

2015- Frankenstein / DR. Victor Frankenstein


2016- India International Nashik Film Festival / Best Foreign Film / Melekleri Taşıyan Adam

2007- Beykent University 7th Communication Awards / Best Male Series Player / Past Times