Artists News Why does Hatice Şendil not accept her role offers?

Why does Hatice Şendil not accept her role offers?


The famous actress Hatice Şendil is a name written to mind with the character of Dila Hanım. Hatice Şendil, which we have not seen in the series for a long time, can take part in a project in the new season. In the statements she made earlier, Şendil said that she wanted to return to the set and was looking for a suitable project.

The famous actress answered the question of why a player did not accept a script. Hatice Şendil, who met with Bora Talat Oyacı in the program called Scenario Talks, thinks that if an actor wants, no matter how tired she is, she will play that role.

Hatice Şendil stated that there are many reasons for actors not to accept scenarios in general, meaning they do not want to start a new project.

Şendil, “We may not believe in the main idea. We may not want to say that word. We may not want to repeat ourselves. We may not want to develop similar characters, similar ideas, similar perspectives, similar actions to what we play. We may want to diversify. Working for long hours leads to professional deformation. On the one hand, the constant feeling of catching up, the rush of running, the upbringing of the broadcast all exhausts us. Maybe we are not getting old, growing up, but there is a bit tiring side. They wants to do ” she said.

Hatice Şendil added that it is the most correct answer for a player not to accept the project in order not to repeat herself.