Series News Preparations for season 3 continue in the Atiye series!

Preparations for season 3 continue in the Atiye series!


The series Atiye, which was broadcast on Netflix in December 2019, was highly appreciated. 190 series published in the country, was one of the most watched production in Turkey.

It is known that the second season of the Atiye series was shot. The assembly of the series was being done. Atiye season 2 is expected to be released in September 2020.

The third season of Atiye will be the final season. There is an expectation that the shooting will be done in the summer. Preparations continue.

The third season of the Atiye series, which includes Beren Saat, Metin Akdülger, Başak Köklükaya, Melisa Şenolsun, Mehmet Günsür, Hazal Türesan, Tim Seyfi, Cezmi Baskın, Civan Canova, Meral Çetinkaya, will consist of 8 episodes.

Burcu Alptekin will direct the third season. Scenario work for the third season; It is continued by the team consisting of Atasay Koç, Cansu Çoban and Merih Aslan.