Artists News Uncertainties disappear in the new project of Serenay Sarıkaya

Uncertainties disappear in the new project of Serenay Sarıkaya


The shooting of the Bergen movie, which the famous actress Serenay Sarıkaya has been preparing for a long time, was delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic. The story of the singer Bergen, known as the Woman of the Sorrows who died at the age of 30, is expected with great curiosity.

An uncertainty arose after the film’s filming was delayed. It was obvious that the film will be shot and Serenay Sarıkaya will continue to work.

Tolga Afşin Kaya, who is part of the Bergen movie team, said that the shootings were postponed for a while, but the preparation process continued.

The situation in the movie market is shown as the reason for the postponement of the shootings in the movie with a big budget. The course of the coronavirus pandemic is followed.

Hakan Kırvavaç, known with the nickname Ketche, sits in the director’s seat of the film. Before the Bergen movie, the famous director will make Uncle, which is the leading role of Ufuk Bayraktar.