Artists News Bige Önal gave such a response to the relationship between Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin that everyone understood!

Bige Önal gave such a response to the relationship between Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin that everyone understood!

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Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin, the actors of the series Love Is In The Air, which appeared on Fox TV, were loved as partners who achieved the harmony of the screen. Two popular, young and successful names, who played mutually in a series for the first time, are necessarily likened to each other by their fans. The fact that both of them are alone prolongs this issue of ascension.

The two actors, who constantly appear in the magazine with the expressions “are they having a relationship, are they in love, is there something in between?”

Such a question came during the live chat of the two before the broadcast every Saturday recently and Kerem Bürsin had read it unnoticed for a moment. However, they both passed the question, laughing then.

In fact, those who follow social media accounts and those who watch live broadcasts are now aware that the two players do not have a relationship beyond a good partner. They maintain their friendship and partnership relationships sincerely.

It is seen that they get along well, have fun on the set, and hang out with each other. Still, those who want to tabloidize the situation continue to ask the same questions.

Finally, this question was asked to Bige Önal, who met with magazines while leaving the market. As it is known, Bige Önal gave life to the character of Selin in the series Love Is In The Air.

It is also seen in the social media posts that Önal developed a sincere friendship with Kerem Bürsin and Hande Erçel, who appeared in front of the camera together in the series.

Bige Önal told him that Erçel and Bürsin had an affair. “Is that so? I don’t know, ” she responded in a surprised manner.

“Do you like it? Önal’s answer to the question, which was changed as “not as a relationship but as a co-star.” I love them both very much, ” she commented.