Series News The fans of Kardeşlerim series were sad about the ending love, they are very happy with the new love!

The fans of Kardeşlerim series were sad about the ending love, they are very happy with the new love!

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Kardeşlerim are loved so much thanks to both the strong drama story and the beauty of the loves in this story. The love of Kadir character and Melisa, which the audience liked very much in the series, was left unfinished.

The farewell of Halit Özgür Sarı and Damlasu İkizoğlu in the 29th episode also means the end of the love of Kadir and Melisa. In the TV series, Kardeşlerim, there are no more two influential actors and two characters on whom the scriptwriters can write many scenes.

They are expected to be replaced and new developments in the story, both drama and love, are expected. Here is one of these developments.

The 31st episode of Kardeşlerim series was broadcast on Saturday, December 4th. It was an important development that the character of Ömer, played by Bilal Yiğit Koçak, and the character of Süsen, played by Lizge Cömert, started to take a step towards love.

Kadir and Melisa’s love may have remained unfinished, but now another love has emerged that won the hearts of the audience.

Tags on social media has already started for Ömer and Süsen. SüsÖm hashtag took its place at the top of the agenda in a short time on Twitter. Thousands of messages are shared on social media platforms, and Kardeşlerim series fans make great efforts to make these two characters stand out.

Fans of the series found the harmony and energy of Ömer and Süsen very good. For the screenwriters, there was an opportunity to write another romance that could increase the ratings.

The 32nd episode of Kardeşlerim series will be broadcast on ATV on Saturday, December 11 at 20:00.