Series News The name that returned to the series of Kardeşlerim caused excitement!

The name that returned to the series of Kardeşlerim caused excitement!

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The popular drama series on ATV screens, Kardeşlerim, is a production followed with enthusiasm by the audience. On the set of the series, which was broadcast on Saturday evenings, there were cases of coronavirus, as in many sets. For this reason, after a long break, the series was able to come to the screen with its new episode last night, after a few weeks of hiatus.

The regulars of the series, which has been watched with interest since its first broadcast, frequently bring the series Kardeşlerim to the agenda on social media. In the dramatic story of the series, both the characters and the story are appreciated. The series, directed by Serkanİlk, started in February last year.

It has been on the screen for nearly a year and as a series that always keeps the excitement at its peak, it has been following a successful graphic. Even the 15-day break due to the coronavirus cases on the set of the NMG Yapım series was a long break for those who watched the series.

The fact that 5 of the actors of the series caught the virus caused the shooting to stop. After the isolation process that changed the shooting dates, the actors returned to the set.

Ömer Eren, Celil Nalçakan, Doruk Atakul, Onur Seyit Yaran, Su Burcu Yazgı Coşkun and Eren Ören, the actors of Kardeşlerim, were infected with the coronavirus.

After the isolation period, the actors, who were tested again and turned negative, started to come to their jobs one by one. Despite the drama in the story of the series, a pleasant meeting took place on the set. Finally, the name that came to the set was Su Burcu Yazgı Çoşkun, who played the character of Asiye.

The young actor, who recovered and started shooting by coming to the set of Kardeşlerim, showed his excitement with the sharing he made on his Instagram account. Coşkun also gave a nice surprise to his fans with the message “Someone is back on the set”.