Series News The name of the İyilik series, which is likened to the Yasak Elma, does not match the essence of the story!

The name of the İyilik series, which is likened to the Yasak Elma, does not match the essence of the story!


New series are starting one after the other on Fox TV screens. The channel management, which has prepared 6 new series, will bring these series together with the audience as of this week. While the TV series Gülümse Kaderine” (Smile Your Destiny) will meet with the audience on Wednesday evening, İyilik (Goodness) will be broadcast on Friday evening.

After the 42nd episode of Aşk Mantık İntikam (Love Logic Revenge) made its finale last week, it was announced that Fox TV’s new series İyilik will meet with the audience on the evening of 29 April. The series, in which Hatice Şendil, İsmail Demirci and Sera Kutlubey will take the lead roles, is likened to the Yasak Elma (Forbidden Apple).

The Yasak Elma, which has been going on for five seasons and is full of intrigues, forbidden loves and lies, was a remarkable production. Since the series proceeds in the absurd comedy style, the deceptions and intrigues in the story are watched by the audience with a little laughter. However, of course, how true the given message is in terms of social integrity is also debatable.

However, when the name of Fox TV’s new series İyilik and the images reflected from the trailers are brought together, a contrast draws attention. The series, which started with a positive name; It has a story full of intrigue, forbidden love and lies. The goodness series can have an impact just like the Yasak Elma, Fox TV is counting on it…

Apart from the above-average ratings of the Kasaba Doktoru (Town Doctor) series on Friday nights, other productions are in a serious decline. While Aziz, Kaderimin Oyunu (My Destiny’s Game) and Yalnız Kurt (Lone Wolf) TV series have dropped this much, there is a possibility that İyilik will slip out of the way.

We don’t know if the series of İyilik can be as effective as the Yasak Elma, but the inconsistency between its name and the essence of the story is already showing itself.

The question of whether goodness or evil will win in the İyilik series seems to be discussed as long as the series is on the air.

The story of the series, in which Perihan Savaş plays the leading role, is as follows:

Neslihan (Hatice Şendil) has a magnificent, enviable life from the outside. While Neslihan believes in this illusion and thinks she is living a perfect life, she learns that the person she trusts most in life, her husband (Ismail Demirci), has been cheating on her for a long time. Moreover, with Damla (Sera Kutlubey), whom she replaces her sister with. All the stones she steps on are displaced and Neslihan has to question and re-interpret right and wrong, good and bad, so that she can stand up again and fight for herself, for her family, for her children…