Artists News Is Kerem Bürsin settling in Spain after Can Yaman leaves for Italy?

Is Kerem Bürsin settling in Spain after Can Yaman leaves for Italy?


Kerem Bürsin’s second homeland in recent months has been Spain. It is said that the actor who frequently goes to this country and establishes strong connections will take part in some projects here. According to the Spanish media, Kerem Bürsin will soon settle in Spain.

Kerem Bürsin, who has been to Spain frequently in recent months, is also closely marked by the press of this country. The Spanish press, which watches every step Kerem Bürsin takes, claimed that the successful actor will settle in Spain very soon.

Noting that Kerem Bürsin has been coming to Spain frequently lately, the Spanish press pointed out that the famous actor gave the good news in his last visit in June and said that he could stay longer in his next visit.

The Spanish press conveyed the words of Kerem Bürsin that he may have some projects in the country, that nothing is finalized, but that he can surprise at any moment. It was also stated in the news that Kerem Bürsin loves Madric very much and can buy a house from here. According to the news, Kerem Bürsin told the Spanish press, “I’ve been thinking about moving to Madrid for a while. “It would be great to live in Spain,” he said.

If this claim turns out to be true, Kerem Bürsin may settle in Spain and continue his projects there, just as Can Yaman, who gained great fame in Italy, continued his career in this country. Considering Spain’s interest in Kerem Bürsin, it is clear that this is not a far-fetched possibility.

These statements of Kerem Bürsin, who has been expressing that he has some projects planned to be realized in Spain for a while, also put Spanish fans in anticipation. In the news in the Spanish media, it was pointed out that Kerem Bürsin’s announcement that he would have new projects and his decision to learn Spanish were the first signs of such a decision.