Artists News Onur Seyit Yaran, Halil İbrahim Ceyhan, Haktan Zavlak… The younger generation made a big difference to their actor brothers!

Onur Seyit Yaran, Halil İbrahim Ceyhan, Haktan Zavlak… The younger generation made a big difference to their actor brothers!


After the youth TV series became more popular on the screen, the younger generation actors started to introduce themselves to the audience. They started to be talked about a lot, especially on social media, getting ahead of the more experienced players. This is the case for both male and female players. This is clearly evident in the social media measurements.

The names in the first row of the “Most Popular Actor” category, which is published every week, are the actors who play in the youth TV series of the screen, as in the last period. The first line of the table, which was created by looking at the number of messages received between 14-20 September, is Onur Seyit Yaran, who is very popular with the character of Doruk in the TV series Kardeşlerim (My Brothers and Sisters).

Yaran has not left his first place in the list to anyone for a long time. The name that follows him is Halil İbrahim Ceyhan, the actor of the series Emanet (Legacy). The actor is older than his rivals, but he started acting with the series Emanet.

Haktan Zavlak, one of the younger generation players, is at the third place on the list. Zavlak, the actor of the Tozluyaka series that started in the summer. Bilal Yiğit Koçak, another young generation actor, is in the 4th place of the list. He is also an actor in the series Kardeşlerim.

Caner Topçu is also the actor of the series Duy Beni (Hear Me), which started to appear on the screen in the summer season and still continues. Up to the 6th row of the table, the weight of younger and newly heard actors is seen. It is seen that the younger generation actors are pushing their brothers badly on social media!

Tolga Sarıtaş, who entered the Most Popular ranking at the 6th place this week, comes to the screens with the series Baba (Father). He is a more experienced name than his 5 competitors who passed him. However, younger generation players have become much more popular lately.

Burak Çelik is also an experienced name. The last week was talked about with the finale of the series Senden Daha Güzel (More Beautiful than You). He also entered the list at the 8th place. Barış Arduç was also one of the popular names of the past against his other rivals. However, he was able to enter the list at the 10th place.

Of course, the fact that the season series has just started to appear on the screen is also effective in this ranking in the list. TV series from the summer season are more advantageous on social media. We will see how the list changes in the coming weeks, but it is also seen that the younger generation players are badly overtaking their older brothers and experienced in social media popularity…