Artists News Fırat Tanış is not as serious as you think, he is actually a very funny person!

Fırat Tanış is not as serious as you think, he is actually a very funny person!


Famous actor Fırat Tanış is constantly on the agenda as one of the most successful actors of recent years. The famous actor, who demonstrated his mastery of character creation with his roles in the TV series Zeytin Ağacı (Another Self) and Kulüp (Club) broadcast on Netflix, also gives a successful performance in the TV series Adım Farah (My name is Farah).

The famous actor has been busy with both TV series and theater work lately, and has also taken part in new movies, offering his fans many options to watch.

Fırat Tanış, who masters every role and reveals his talents in every new character, is also known as a very serious person when viewed from the outside.

However, according to the famous actor, this is not true. In his interview in Hürriyet newspaper, Fırat Tanış said the following about the accusations that he is someone who only seems interested in his job:

“It’s very boring! I’m so tired of my own seriousness. Because it’s not real. I’m funny, would you believe it? In fact, I am a cheerful person, almost to the point of being spoiled. “I wonder if you are prejudiced against me too?”

Explaining that a brand new era began in his life with the birth of his 9-year-old daughter Zeynep, the famous actor explained what fatherhood feels like with the following words:

“Fatherhood has this feeling: One day Zeynep will read what is written here. It has a lot to do with knowing this. Suddenly the perception of time becomes interesting, I am somewhere between my father and my own fatherhood. “It’s a real thing, where I actually stand in one place in life without really posing.”