Artists News Genco Özak, Bahar Şahin and Baran Can Eraslan shine as young talents!

Genco Özak, Bahar Şahin and Baran Can Eraslan shine as young talents!

Young names as well as the experienced actors of the TV series “Tetikçinin Oğlu”, broadcast on Fox TV, draw attention. Of course, the story of the series is driven by experienced names such as Timuçin Esen, Şevket Çoruh, Serhat Kılıç and Sezin Akbaşoğulları. However, the contribution of young talents to the series should not be underestimated.

Bahar Şahin, whom we watch as Sibel with Genco Özak in the Metin character, seems to be a good TV series couple. Although the two children who grew up together in the orphanage come to a point where they will scatter in different directions after years, their hearts are always one.

Genco Özak became a name that made a name for himself in the lead role of the series and gave it his due. The actor is also very successful in action scenes. Özak said, “The story is a story of escape and chase. We have a lot of action scenes. After all, I ran all of Izmir for a day, it’s going well,” and said that he was satisfied with his situation.

Bahar Şahin, who made a big debut with her drama performance in the Zalim Istanbul (Cruel İstanbul) series, appeared before her fans again with a series concept she loved.

Bahar Şahin said, “Once an arabesque character was for me. “I like to play drama,” she said. Expressing her satisfaction with the team, the young actress said, “The team is very sweet, my teammates are very sweet. Since we share the same stage with Şevket Çoruh and Timuçin Esen, we haven’t been able to shoot them yet, but I’m sure it will be a great pleasure.”

The character of Yunus is at the key point of the story in the series Tetikçinin Oğlu. Yiğit’s death, which caused all the events to begin, was in the hands of Yunus. Yunus, who has been crushing his cousin for years, kills him when he gets the chance, but puts the blame on Metin.

Baran Can Eraslan draws attention with his success in the character of Yunus. The young actor, who took part in an action series for the first time, stated that this project was a new experience for him:

“It is quite active and dynamic. Action is something I experienced for the first time. I am also trying to learn something. Very enjoyable for now. Our energy is very good both with my fellow players and with the team. Everyone is very concentrated and motivated to work. This creates a very positive atmosphere here.”