The comedy series Kuzey Yıldızı aired for two seasons. Aslıhan Güner and İsmail Demirci took the lead roles in the series, which met with the audience on the Show TV screen. Mine, Gökçe and Feride, who are among the young characters that draw attention in the series, also put forward important performances.
The characters of Mine, played by Aslıhan Kapanşahin, Gökçe, played by Nilsu Berfin Aktaş, and Feride, played by Gizem Güneş, had a great career breakthrough thanks to this series. The 3 young female actors of the series managed to take part in very important projects after the Kuzey Yıldızı.
Nilsu Berfin Aktaş firstly got a big break by taking the lead role in the Star TV series called Benim Hayatım this season and took the lead role for the first time. When this series was short, the actor agreed with ATV’s series called Kalp Yarası.
Gizem Güneş gained experience by adding the Kuzey Yıldızı to her 8-year career. The actress became the leading actress of Okul Yolunda, which is expected to be one of the most influential series of ATV in 2022. A new era begins in her career for the actress who will portray the character of Elif teacher…
Aslıhan Kapanşahin also made herself shine with the Kuzey Yıldızı. Born in 2000, the young actress began to take part in the sets as of 2009. Aslıhan Kapanşahin, who drew attention in the character of Şeyda in the series Paramparça, also attracted great attention with the character of Nilay in the series Ufak Tefek Cinayetler.
The actress also got a good start with Kuzey Yıldızı, and then she played the character of Duru in the TV series Sana Söz. Kapanşahin increased her experience by taking part in digital series called Sınır and Limit.
The 3 actresses, who gained a large fan base with the Kuzey Yıldızı series, started to receive many offers after this project. The actresses, who experienced the consequences of polishing their names in the series, managed to join the list of sought-after names for new projects.