Artists News Pelin Karahan wants to play in a real story

Pelin Karahan wants to play in a real story

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Famous actress Pelin Karahan, who has been spotted in Etiler with her husband Bedri Güntay, has not yet announced her fans’ long-awaited surprise. The actress who wants to take part in a new project has not yet decided.

Pelin Karahan has not been on the screens for a while. The player, who had a summer vacation for 4-4.5 months, made various meetings for the new season. Explaining that there were offers coming and he received many offers from digital projects, the actress said, “I speak for all of them, both digital and television. He said, “There are jobs that I am discussing.”

Reminding that the real story attracts the audience more, Pelin Karahan said “We are also curious about the lives of others” and stated that this also underlies the interest shown in the series The Innocents and Red Room.

Stating that he spends the pandemic process in her own home even if it is a holiday and pays attention to the precautions, Pelin Karahan emphasized that they do not want to prefer a hotel.

The actress, who was looking for a house on the European side to be close to her children’s school and her mother, moved to another house on the Asian side when she could not find what she was looking for. Pelin Karahan also expressed her reaction, saying, “The prices have flown and gone again.
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