Artists News Talat Bulut supported to Can Yaman

Talat Bulut supported to Can Yaman

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The famous actor Talat Bulut, who gave life to the character of Halit Argun in the Forbidden Fruit series, said goodbye to the production in the 85th episode. Paying attention to his statements after the end of the series, Bulut talked about the young actors this time. The veteran actor was also reminded of Tamer Karadağlı’s words about young actors focusing on popularity.

Commenting on Tamer Karadağlı’s statements, understood as the producers determined their casting by looking at the number of followers on social media, Talat Bulut said, “This is nothing new. I was telling those who used this preference, 10 years ago, for those who used it. We saw that people who made a movie with 10 million followers and thought that that number would come to the hall were wrong. But television is a little different. This is totally suitable for the population, to see if we can get these kinds of popular people together and maybe rate it, but the number of followers is sitting at home and pressing the remote. We don’t really know what to watch, ”he said.

Underlining that television work is actually a bit of luck, Talat Bulut emphasized that if it works, it will continue. Bulut reminded that serious audience research has been carried out even for TV series that look like soap operas in the USA.

Almost all of it was like a soap opera in Turkey representing the number of veteran players, “beautiful women, handsome men but it’s also a place,” he said.

Turkey in their criticism of the players on the disinvestment of the cloud, people can not even hinted that they are role players have ever bowl with beauty.

Talat Bulut was asked about the allegations that Can Yaman would take a role in the series Sandokan in Italy and that he would receive 100 thousand Euros per episode.

“How nice to take it. We meet. He’s a very sweet kid. These are the right things for Can Yaman. Don’t we welcome many names from abroad with enthusiasm? In a meaningless way. Finding a place in him in Italy may be due to Can Yaman’s physique, maybe his talent, maybe his impressive appearance. How nice, you may win. ”