Series News The new character who joined the Hercai series will change everything

The new character who joined the Hercai series will change everything


The first episode of the third season of Hercai, which is preparing to meet with the audience on Friday evenings on ATV screens, will meet with the audience on Friday, September 17th. There will be important developments in the new episode of the series.

The third season will begin with the 39th episode. New images from the new season have also been released. Aslan Aslanbey character, who participated in the series, will burn badly. It was an important step for Doğan Bayraktar to participate in the Hercai TV series in the third season. An effective performance is expected from the actor we will watch as Aslan Aslanbey in the story.

Attention to the words of Aslan Aslanbey, son of Sultan Aslanbey, who was thought to have died before, in the trailer: “All magnificent stories begin in two ways, either a person goes on a journey or a stranger comes to the city. I am Aslan Aslanbey, the only son of Sultan Aslanbey who is thought to have died … ”

Miran and Reyyan decided to go to build a new life for themselves. The character of Aslan Aslanbey, who will give life to Doğan Bayraktar, shows that things will change a lot by saying “I will bring justice to those who are right, and suffering to those who are wrong”.

The shooting of Azat is one of the most crucial points in the trailer.

You can watch the second trailer of the 39th episode of the Hercai series on the video.