Artists News The new series, which made Alper Saldıran lose 15 kilos, sounds very ambitious!

The new series, which made Alper Saldıran lose 15 kilos, sounds very ambitious!

Famous actor Alper Saldıran continues to increase his experiences by taking part in different branches of art. The actor, who took the stage with the theater play “Kidnapping from the Palace,” is also experiencing a new series of excitement.

Alper Saldıran, who took the leading role in the project called Süper Kahramanlar – Altay (Super Heroes – Altay), which will be shot for TRT Digital, mentioned that the project will be very different.

Mentioning that the shooting of the series, which also includes names such as Elif Doğan and Bestemsu Kökdemir, will take place outside of Istanbul, the actor will go on the set for a superhero story.

Announcing that there will be 3 seasons in total, the actor said the following about his new series: “It is going very well, a very good series will come. It is shooting a series that we are not used to, in a way we have never seen before. This is action stuff. I just lost 15 kilos during the preparation phase.”

Explaining that in his new series, Alper Saldıran will play a strange role that his fans have never seen before, he did not want to give more details about the project.

Stating that people do not get tired when they enjoy their job, but when they go home during the preparation phase of this project, they immediately fall asleep without even taking off their clothes, and explained how tiring the shooting of the project was.

Mentioning that working was good for his, the actor drew attention with the following words: “I devoted myself to working at this time. I have a play on the stage of Süreyya Opera. I’m going out of town for the set the next day. We’re shooting a digital series. Its first season will be filmed, and then two more seasons will be over. We are bored, working is good, it heals us.”