Details Original Title: Hayat Bazen Tatlidir English Title: Bitter Sweet Life Also Known As: Genre: School, Romance, Friendship Episodes: 26 Broadcast Network: Star TV Broadcast Period: October 16, 2016 – April 30, 2017 Production Company: Surec Film Director: Hamdi Alkan Screen Writer: Gani Mujde
Synopsis Hayat (Birce Akalay) is a literature teacher at a top private school. She is so idealist that she cannot refrain from defending her own rights in every occasion. Due to this attitude, she does not have an easy life and often faces with different difficulties.
Hayat lives together with her little sister Gozde (Simay Barlas) who goes to the same high school where Hayat teaches. After their parents’ death, Hayat becomes both a mother and a father for her sister and tries to do her best to protect her sister from dangers. Sometimes, she becomes so authoritarian and for this reason; she is exposed to criticism by her sister.
Hayat’s job at a private high school makes it financially possible for her sister Gozde to attend the school as a student. They have a modest life whereas all the students at that private school have a wealthy life. Thus, Gozde sometimes finds it hard to keep pace with her classmates’ lifestyle. One day, Hayat gets an urgent phone call saying Gozde is in danger at a party. She arrives at the given address just in time to stop her unconscious sister from being raped by a fellow student Koray (Anil Tetik). Koray is Gozde’s boyfriend who is attending to the same high school and at the same time, is the brother of an ex mafia leader Cerrah (Kanbolat Gorkem Arslan).