Artists News SerenayAktas left her love in the row!

SerenayAktas left her love in the row!


SerenayAktas, who came to the screen on the Channel D displays with Meryem series, gave life to the character of Burcu.

Actress, who has been involved with KenanAcar who has played with the same string, suddenly left the week we passed through the actress who had been in love for a while.

No information was provided about why the couple left.

However, SerenayAktas pointed out that the removal of the poses together in the instagram was no longer reversible.

But there was a new development.

SerenayAktas is vacationing in Bodrum.

The fans of the game wanted to make peace with KenanAcar by sending messages from social media.

The fans declared mobilization to reconcile the two at Instagram.