Actors - Actresses Who is Tuba Ünsal? Height – Age – Series – Family

Who is Tuba Ünsal? Height – Age – Series – Family

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Tuba Ünsal was born on December 7, 1981 in Denizli. Turkish TV series, cinema, theater actress and former model.

Name: Tuba Ünsal
Date of Birth: December 7, 1981
Place of Birth: Denizli
Height: 1.67 m.
Weight: 55 kg
Horoscope: Sagittarius
Eye Color: Light Blue
Hair Color: Dark Blonde
Mother: Aysel Ünsal
Father: Nazım Ünsal
Child: Sare Pilevneli, Civan Mert Cabas
Siblings: Sisters

Family: Greek immigrant from the father’s side, Bulgarian and Romanian immigrant from the mother’s side. Her mother is a handicraft teacher, her father is a soldier. She has a married sister named Ebru. “My mother was a teacher and worked for many years. My father was also a soldier, and of course, because we had a patriarchal structure, my mother would always have to transfer to the cities where my father was, based on my father’s duty. Like me, she was a person who attaches great importance to social responsibility and works for women. We have always seen this in the family. Both men and women worked. My late father used to say this; ‘That you will dream of a rich husband; Imagine being rich, producing alone and getting rewarded “. I’m trying to teach this to my daughter. Until today, I have taken care of them to be good people, especially in my choice of spouse. I have worked in almost every phase of my life. I have been in business for twenty years. Frankly, my career has not progressed very easily. My family did not want me to be an actor in any way. They were in a classical Turkish family structure. Mine was the life story of someone trying to break his shell. Frankly, I had major problems with math. However, my family wanted me to be a banker, unfortunately. They saw this profession as a safe and sound future and they enrolled me in the mathematics department. I have always lived with difficulty and thinking I was stupid. ”

Childhood years: In the industry from a very young age. She was only 16 years old when she starred in her first drama. “I always say it with pride. I paid my first tax at the age of 16 and I started working in this country almost as a child worker. I was taught the following in my family; “You have to give back to life positively what you have taken from life.” I used to work as a child and also go to conferences. I gave my first conference at the age of 20. The subject was the value of producing at a young age. Then I started working on child labor. When I felt that I was getting older and growing up and later became a mother, I decided to focus on women’s rights. ”

Education life: Primary School Vize studied in Kırklareli, secondary school in Şanlıurfa. She went to high school in Hayrettin Duran Anatolian High School in Bornova, Izmir. She suspended her education while she was studying at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Department of Business Administration. Later, she completed her education at Istanbul Bilgi University. She participated in the Elite Model Look competition in 1998. Then she started working as a professional model. She also studied acting at the Stella Eller Academy in Los Angeles.

First step into acting: She started her television adventure with the series ‘Mahallenin Muhtarlar’.

With which project did she shine? She drew attention with the character of “Bayır Gülü” in the “Karaoğlan” series.

Personality traits: Determined, hardworking, brave, idealistic. I think I am a brave woman. I cannot understand this by looking at myself, but I can notice it when I look at the people I do the same thing around me. Children neutralize all my negative energy. Being a family gives you peace of mind. I am another woman on the stage in the theater, when I get off the stage my energy is very high. ”

Personal development: Personal development is very important. “Human is a very changing and developing entity. In my opinion, people who work in visual fields are progressing more responsibly in life because they also experience this development in front of others, and this is perhaps more awareness than other people and allows you to develop in a different way. I first started with training because when I started my career I was very young. I went to university while working. After that, when I look at my life, I see that every seven years I choose a field in visual communication and go through different paths. I had a project development agency for a while. My main line was always acting, I always progressed around doing completely different things. At this point where I am now, the production continues, but I feel as if I am on the eve of a completely different job. During the pandemic period, I was following online trainings, thinking about how to spend time more proactively, I started Harvard’s online program Edx. I will complete my mini MBA at the end of July. I’m doing an MBA on the effects of global warming on human health, I have a little time left. I have been working with WWF (World Wildlife Fund) for a while. We are trying to raise awareness that a better world is possible with them and to instill environmental awareness in people. Let’s see how my life will evolve in the future? ”

Mindset: “Being famous is a shirt of fire. In this process, it would not be enough to just make money, spend it or add fame. I always believed that it was necessary to spend time more efficiently. I always looked this way and concentrated like that. Later, I put the issue of women in the center of my life. Being in too much attention creates pressure to always be successful, of course, but being in the jobs you love makes the process easier. The success that comes as a result is your reward. In times of pessimism, I say “The opposite of these days, good days will come, this is the order of the world”. I don’t get stuck in tragedies or successful moments, I have a different inner rhythm. Many things that everyone cares about are not important to me. ”

The source of happiness: Being in harmony and the peace of those around and loved ones is one of the greatest sources of happiness. “I am okay with everything, as long as everyone is at peace. I can be happy anywhere, if those around me are happy. ”

First motion picture: Ercan Durmuş, Hakan Haksun / Kolay Para

The person she admires: She greatly admires Filiz Akın from the sector. “When I was just starting out in my career, producers used to say that blonde actresses often played bad character roles. Again, in one of the same periods, I came across Filiz Akın somewhere and running after him ‘How did you always manage to play good roles? You don’t have any villain roles. Besides, you are blonde. “I asked. He turned and told me ‘Tubac, are you having trouble in this direction? When they look at your face, they realize that you will never be a bad woman. “Keep going the way you are going.” Years later, when I was going to stage Madonna in Fur Coat, one day my phone rang and it was Filiz Akın on the phone and told me iliz Madonna in Fur Coat was a role I imagined. I couldn’t play because She is a dark woman. Do you realize how life turned to you? “While the blonde is a filmmaker and television actress who deserves good roles, in the most important role of your career, the director gives you the role of a brunette woman.”

The look at love: “I love being in love very much. It’s a great feeling, but I can also live that love with my kids. I’m not 15-year-old Tuba anymore. Because I am very sad as a result and am not ready for new sorrows yet. But this girl who runs it all is never able to manage when it comes to her personal life, and she’s so sad at the end of the day when she sacrifices too much and the Z report arrives! I want to attract people who make me feel good into my life, not the relationships I give so much myself. We are like a puzzle. Wherever we are missing, we pull the injured into our lives. I don’t want to be complete and complete anybody’s shortcomings anymore! People I have just met and have become friends with say, “A woman who is so programmed in her business life, who knows what she is doing, who equips her environment, is very vulnerable in those situations.” This actually falls within the definition of love itself. It doesn’t have a very affordable book. That’s why I love the state of being in love. ”

Her view of life: A program she participated in changed her view of life. I like being social, but I think I’ve been living the opposite life lately. I participated in the remedial camp program. I met an amazing healer, Rahime Acar. She looked at me and said: You are like a huge tree but your root is in the air, so you are drying. Your life energy is dying, you have to find yourself “. I was very impressed. Because this crazy energy, constant state of change is not actually finding myself; on the contrary, it was a sign of running away from myself! The most difficult journey of man is the one he made in himself, now I understand. During this camp, I stayed alone as long as I could in a bay, just doing meditation and subconscious therapy and eating organic food. It was a great experience for me to watch the sunset, sing alone, and spend a day without talking to anyone, without having a beer in the evening and accompanied by raki. Now I continue with the same diet and mindset. I was living for a lot of people. My friends, my private life, my family; I had enough energy for everyone. But it wasn’t up to myself. Now my recovery process has begun. ”

Perspective on business life: In addition to acting, there is a creative agency and there he makes money by generating ideas. She attributes the recent shift of popular actors to digital platform productions and stages to the quality of the work produced. “The consumption of television and the quality of the work produced gradually changed. The content that did not feed the soul, the lines that were said to fill the time, the long glances and the series that lasted for hours made the actor more and more insatiable. She must nourish her actor soul so that she can produce. So theater is a breathing space. I have a creative agency. Now I earn most of my money with my idea. For example, people may think that I am only the face of Koton, but not like that, we have developed many projects together. I think creativity is at the heart of everything. Finding new and bright ideas for digitals, creating collections or creating characters in the film are not things that fall apart from each other. It’s about embracing every job you do. I see myself as an enthusiastic, enthusiastic and creative entrepreneur. I like to make money, to develop and to exist with my idea. I invest in this. I want to have a more solid job in my 50s. On the one hand, there are no such specific definitions abroad anymore. We wear them. So what are you now? Model, designer or actress? Well, everyone in the world is doing everything, this is life now. You look at Penelope Cruz, she is also a film producer and creates a brand. You look at Jessica Alba, creating a mother-child brand and receiving entrepreneurship awards. You have to be more than just being the face of a brand, reading an incoming script and creating a character. We need to be multifunctional characters in this new world.

Career plan: She is not satisfied with acting alone. It tries to move forward in different perspectives. “There were so many stories of strong women I wanted to portray, and I didn’t want to waste time waiting for them to come to me. I had a list in front of me, Maria Puder was one of them. When I took people’s rights to those books, adapted them and calculated the probability that I would come to their minds, I decided that it would make more sense to do it myself, and I started producing. We adapt Ayşe Kulin’s book “Adı Aylin” to the stage. Aylin is the character of my life. I love being not only in the front of the business, but also in the kitchen. I want to bring not only the plays I played, but also the stories that other actresses will animate to the theater and cinema. I do not heed these criticisms about my acting, the negative ones that concern me. They are the ones who paved my way for the better. I also criticize myself very cruelly. There are no projects or roles that I regret not accepting or postponing. Life is shaped by choices and preferences and I am very happy with the person I am and the life I live in.

What kind of mother? She became a mother because she wanted a child and now thinks that she is the mother she dreams of. “I’ve always dreamed of being such a mother. We have a great love with children. Raising compassionate and conscientious children is very important. I make an effort for this, I read and research. I’m being honest with them. They understand me when I say, “I am very upset today, I need to be alone and tidy myself together” We also have fun together. It is the best therapy to come home and dance with them after a busy work life. I’m a little different mom! We can pack in a minute and go camping. Or it is very ordinary for us to have a party where we dance like crazy at home in costumes. On Sare’s birthday, for example, I took nine of her friends and I made them a movie night, a dance party, and finally a camp at home. We need to start the concept of gender equality from our own family. When my children want something, they have to deserve it first. My daughter is obliged to collect her bed as well as my son. In our world, we treat women, girls and boys equally. We do not have such a position of Pasha to a boy.

Does she use social media? Although she sometimes spends a lot of time on social media, she sometimes prefers not to use it at all. “In between, I detox, I cut off on the phone. For example, I never deal with my phone on set. The emoji I enjoy the most is the surprised face emoji. ”

Concerns: In this digital age we live in, she thinks that art and artist still maintain their influence and power in communicating a social message or educating humanity. “This responsibility should be on the shoulders of not only the artist but also every individual who has the chance to appeal to millions. You have to give to society what you get from society. You have to explain and share this on every platform. When there is tragedy around me, when I watch the news, when something bad happens to a child, I disconnect from everything in life. “Compassion fatigue” is exactly what I live in. ”

Role model: Her aunt became a role model in order to overcome many difficulties in this life. “My aunt was a tremendously inspiring woman. She was never daunted and traveled the world. She was also a teacher, but outside of the mold for her, she was a teacher. So she was the woman who always stood by me in my own little world. I would try to talk like her when I was younger, and when I was a little older and a young girl, I used to dress like her. She was the most amazing woman I have ever known. I recently lost it. I also took most of my favorite features from him. When we got together, we would talk about the countries we were going to visit. She was a true woman of the world.

How does she keep her shape? She tries to do sports every day, pays attention to her nutrition. “I try to exercise for 15 minutes, 20 minutes or half an hour every day, which is good for me psychologically. I am more and more obsessed with what the inner world is like than the outer appearance. How you are and how you feel is important. Be the most beautiful woman in the world, if you are having problems in your inner world, the energy you give to the outside world is so bad. We are energetic beings. Whatever energy you are in, you attract people in that energy. I’m focusing on things that are more about feeling. I have just started skin care. Women do not tell very honestly either, so I research. Everyone behaves as if they were born, they are ashamed to say I got this done, it is understandable, of course. The other day I learned that my next-door neighbor in the apartment where we have been living for a year and a half is a very famous plastic surgeon. I am slowly trying to pick things up that suit myself, but being natural is the most essential for me. I did not dare to change my face, I think it will be handled with the right care. I pay attention to my diet, I do not eat too much dessert. I’m trying to ‘fasting’. I am trying to fast during Ramadan. During the quarantine period, while everyone around me gained weight, I lost it. We are at home, there are no food meetings to attract. I detoxed for a while. Of course I am not exaggerating too much, I eat everything. ”

Which series is she following? “The Crown” and “Sense 8” are some of the series he has followed. “The Crown” is a very good production. I would like to play in such a magnificent production. The decors, venues, costumes are amazing. ‘Sense8’ is a very naive series with very nice details about human identity. It is a wonderful work that focuses only on people without distinguishing between women, men, gays and lesbians, and explains the relations that are marginalized in society as normal as possible.


1992 – Mahallenin Muhtarları / Girl

1998 – Kara Melek / Funda

1997 – Ruhsar / Eylem (Guest Actor)

1998 – Kırık Hayatlar

1999 – Ayşecik

1999 – Kurt Kapanı / Elmas

1999 – Kıvılcım / Pelin

2000 – Çarli İş Başında / Young Girl

2000 – Savunma (Defense)

2002 – Karaoğlan / Bayır Gülü

2004 – Ruhun Duymaz / Feray

2005 – Seni Çok Özledim (I Miss You So Much) / Berfin

2005 – Yeniden Çalıkuşu /Çalıkuşu Handan

2006 – Ümit Milli / Tuba

2007 – Yemin / Leyla Mermertay

2009 – Bu Kalp Seni Unutur mu? / Gülümsün Peker Doğan

2009 – Canını Sevdiğim İstanbul’u / Oya Çakır-Deputy Commissioner

2011 – Tövbeler Tövbesi / Pelin Taşpınar

2011- Mor Menekşeler (Purple Violets)

2012/2013 – Time Goes By / Filiz

2013- Easy Job (Guest Actor)

2014 – Ruhumun (Mirror of My Soul) / Elçin

2017 – Insider / Handan (Guest Player)

2020 – Love 101 / Adult Eda

2021- Love 102 / Adult Eda


2002- Kolay Para / Sanem

2002 – Mumya Firarda

2003 – Vizontele Tuuba / Tuba Sernikli

2004 – Hızlı Adımlar / Sadenaz

2006 – Küçük Hanımefendi / Ceren (TV Film)

2006 – Küçük Hanımefendinin Şoförü / Ceren (TV Film)

2007 – Çılgın Dersane / Çıtır Özlem

2008- Çocuk / Rüya

2008 – Plajda / Zeynep Nehir

2008- A Beautiful Life

2009- Suluboya

2009 – Türkler Çıldırmış Olmalı / Tuğçe Bayer

2010 – Çakallarla Dans / Sinem

2011- Beni Unutma / Ebru

2014- Hayat Sana Güzel

2016 – Dünyanın En Güzel Kokusu / Derya

2017 – Dünyanın En Güzel Kokusu 2 / Derya

2020- Masallardan Geriye Kalan / Asya


2017- Kürk Mantolu Madonna / Maria Puder / Producer/ Player

2017- Fantastik Hikayeler Makinesi / Player

2016- İsimsiz Yıldız / Player

2014- Guguk Kuşu / Candy


2017- Çocukluğumdaki Yaz