Series News Sen Çal Kapımı started, it was shaken by separations!

Sen Çal Kapımı started, it was shaken by separations!

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The Fox TV series Sen Çal Kapımı, starring Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin, came to the screen last night with the first episode of the second season. However, the second season of the series started, it was announced that three actors had left the cast.

In the statement made on the official Twitter account of the series, it was stated that the actors Melisa Döngel, İlkyaz Arslan and Çağrı Çıtanak left the series. “As the #SenÇalKapmı family, we would like to thank Melisa Döngel, İlkyaz Arslan and Çağrı Çıtanak for their efforts. May your path be clear…”

Melisa Döngel, 21, was giving life to the character of Ceren Başar in the TV series Sen Çal Kapımı, which has been published since 2020. İlkyaz Arslan played Serkan Bolat’s hardworking assistant Leyla, and Çağrı Çıtanak played the rich and spoiled Ferit Şimşek.

The departure of all three actors from the TV series Sen Çal Kapımı caused sadness in the audience.

By the way, after a two-month hiatus, Sen Çal Kapımı series came to the screen with the first episode of the second season last night. The reboot of the series was eagerly awaited by viewers from all over the world. It was learned a while ago that the series, whose 40th episode was broadcast last night, will make a final in the 50th episode.

Eda and Serkan, who parted ways after Serkan’s illness in the new season, meet again years later. Although their love for each other is as fresh as the first day, the years have changed some things. And there is a big secret that Eda is hiding from Serkan…

The first episode ratings of the series also came at average rates. Itshowed that it can perform well in the summer season by getting better ratings than when you left Sen Çal Kapımı.