Artists News Sibel Şişman joined the new series of Fox TV!

Sibel Şişman joined the new series of Fox TV!

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The romantic comedy series called Aşk Mantık İntikam will meet with the audience on Fox TV, starting Friday, June 18th. There are four successful young actors in the lead roles in the series. While Burcu Özberk and İlhan Şen will become partners, Melisa Döngel and Burak Yörük will stand out as another couple in the series.

Promotional activities have been going on for a while for Aşk Mantık İntikam, adapted from the South Korean TV series Cunning Single Lady. The series has an entertaining and gripping story. It turned out that a new name has been added to the cast of the series.

Sibel Şişman is the newcomer to the series, where Özlem İnci Hekimoğlu and Nil Güleç Ünsal are writing the story, with the character of Feraye.

Sibel Şişman, who starred in the Yılanların Öncü in 2014, gave life to the character of Yonca in the production of Yeter. The actress we watched as Melehat in Siyah İnci, then played the character of Güliz in the Early Bird series. Sibel Şişman finally gave life to the character of Şebnem in the TV series Seni Çok Bekledim.