Series News Kırmızı Oda lottery hit Burak Demir

Kırmızı Oda lottery hit Burak Demir

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Famous names who are guests of Kırmızı Oda TV series suddenly come to the fore… At this point, actors such as Evrim Alasya, Melisa Sözen, Erkan Petekkaya, Burcu Biricik and Pınar Deniz attracted a lot of attention with the series last season.

Famous names who will participate in Kırmızı Oda as guests in the new season will again be at the forefront. It was revealed that Ayça Bingöl, İlayda Alişan, Güneş Hayat, Nihal Yalçın and Başak Daşman will be on the screen in the second season of the series.

Burak Demir was one of the names who won Kırmızı Oda lottery… Those who remember the Muhteşem Yüzyıl series will remember Burak Demir, who shines in the series with the character of Hüseyin Sergeant. The actor, who has been in the industry since 2002, took part in important roles in ambitious TV series.

From the character of Tarkan in the Genco series to Niko in Şevkat Yerimdar, Burak Demir has been a name playing different roles. The actor, whom we watched as Metin in the latest Arıza series, will appear in Kırmızı Oda in the new season.

In the series, which will start the second season on Friday, September 17, 3 effective stories will appear in front of the audience. You will see Burak Demir in one of these stories.

Burak Demir, who will give life to the character of Mustafa, is experiencing the excitement of Kırmızı Oda for the new season.