Artists News Afra Saraçoğlu and Nurgül Yeşilçay, who starred together in the movie İkinci Şans years ago, are together again!

Afra Saraçoğlu and Nurgül Yeşilçay, who starred together in the movie İkinci Şans years ago, are together again!

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Nurgül Yeşilçay and Afra Saraçoğlu, who were in front of the camera for the first time in 2016 in Özcan Deniz’s film called İkinci Şans, came together this time on the theater stage.

One of the most important stars of Turkey, Nurgül Yeşilçay and one of the brightest names of the new generation, Afra Saraçoğlu’s two-player play Bir Barda Bir Gece will soon meet theater lovers at DasDas.

The duo, who gave an interview to Hakan Gence from Hürriyet Newspaper before the play, showered each other with idiosyncrasies in the interview; Nurgül Yeşilçay is about her young partner; “Afra is a hard worker, she likes to get the job done in her head, takes notes, works day and night. I am a person of action, I am one of those who first do and think later, Afra is one of those who think first and do later”.

Afra Saracoglu; “How can I describe Nurgül? First of all, she is very hardworking and energetic. I’m also energetic, but sometimes it feels like I can’t keep up with her energy. Nurgül is an active woman, I both study the play and watch her play. A very unique woman. When I first entered the industry, I was tense, saying, ‘Who would think if I did this?’ or something. After meeting Nurgül, I realized that when she does it, it doesn’t look weird at all.”

Nurgül Yeşilçay said, “The youth of today are smarter and more sane than in our time. What were we doing back then? We were crazier.” Upon his words, Afra Saraçoğlu said, “I am crazy too. But I am consciously insane,” she said.

Nagihan Gürkan will direct the duo’s play Bir Barda Bir Gece. The game will center on the tense relationship between a high school student who goes to a bar to find her friend in a world where women disappear during the power outages that start every evening, and a woman who remains the only employee of the bar.

‘Bir Barda Bir Gece’, which will convey a dystopian world not far from today, will meet the audience at DasDas on November 26.